Adjustments Improve Heart Function and Heart Surgery Outcomes
A recent study evaluated the impact of spinal adjustments on people undergoing heart surgery. The study concluded that spinal adjustments facilitate recovery after coronary artery bypass surgery and improved cardiac function. The study reported that spinal adjustive care dramatically decreases the level of pain, reduces the amount of drugs needed, substantially improves the functional capacity of lung inspiration volumes, and reduces hospitalization by an average of more than two days. Authors concluded that adding spinal adjustments to traditional care programs one week after surgery provides benefits that should be recommended to all post operation heart patients.
Chiropractors began helping men and women which experience heart problems in 1895. Those locally connected to the early science and research of chiropractic understood and taught that the benefits of chiropractic adjustments go beyond back pain. Chiropractors address the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, which predominantly exists in and around the spine. The nervous system directs function of all organs and tissues in the body, including the heart. Chiropractic care of the spine and nerves helps restore and improve health to many patients with symptoms and conditions seemingly unrelated to the spine.
The heart serves as one of the most vital organs in the body. This complex muscle sits in the upper left chest cavity and pumps blood filled with oxygen to every part to the body. The heart represents the most important muscle in a person’s life and essentially serves as the motor to deliver life-giving nutrients to every cell and tissue in the body. This amazing organ beats around 101,000 times a day. The heart will beat about 3 billion times in a person’s life and pump roughly one million barrels of blood throughout the body. The 24-hour energy output of the heart produces enough force to raise three fully loaded greyhound buses up into the air. This fascinating component of human life falls under the direction of the nervous system. The intimate relationship between the spine and nervous system means that the health of the spine directly influences the health and performance of heart function.
The study referenced above was published in 2017 and showed that patients receiving spinal adjustments within a few short days after heart surgery experienced improvements in function and recovery while limiting the need for drugs and pain medications. The study supports the evidence that advocates for spinal care to be included in a health care plan – even when someone undergoes a major operative intervention. A deeper study and understanding of chiropractic reveals that regular spinal care for the nervous system improves the health of the spine, nervous system, and organ function and offers a proactive pathway to greater long-term health and vitality.